Saturday, March 7, 2009


What makes a house warm? Design helps, or lack thereof.

Cooking and wine help.

But sometimes that's just not enough. For this reason, logs of wood are piled along the fence seperating our house from the railway tracks.

All that's left is to shave thinner woodchips out of them in order to start the fire.

How many people spend their Parisian sojourns doing this? I don't mind it too much. Being dependent on firewood is part of what made me love places like Finland. Chopping wood is an act that's supra-historical. It connects you to all societies that ever breathed winter, it gives good muscle,

And it makes a house warm in more than one way.

1 comment:

Susadim said...

Greets from Finland. I don't have good muscles althought I like wood chopping ;) Your trip seems to be so nice. Greets to Itka too.